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This gallery contains 2 photos →
DSG going to Sleep in the Park, Slessor Gardens, Dundee, Saturday 8 December 2018A big thank you to Robertson Signs, Barry Robertson thankyou for your kind donation, making our banner ! It looks fantastic. So we are ready to attend Saturday’s Sleep in the Park event in Dundee. https://www.sleepinthepark.co.uk
Thank you to the Dundee V&A for your invitation to our service users to participate in your first Community Workshops we can’t wait to come😀. The workshop entitled ‘Lemon Juice’ a practical exploration of everyday design is exciting and a chance for out service users to participate in an event that will inspire. Thanks again.…
WeeCOOK mystery chef a hearty thanksAnother big shout out of thanks to our Mystery Chef Hayley Wilkes, head chef and entrepreneur of WeeCOOK, based at Broughty Ferry Golf Course. We loved your buffet. Thank you for coming to DSG and sharing your time, skills and fab food, service users said “your pies are the best”
Here’s the before photographs And here are the After shots ! After!Thanks to Asda Foundation’s financial support we have made a huge difference. The decor and furniture was chosen by our Service users ! making our Dining room less like an institution and more a psychologically informed environment, empowering our residents to to create a…